Collin finished his first year of preschool last week, and ended with his first program. We were so excited! Collin and the other two-year-olds were bumble bees and we'd been practicing at home every night. We were obvious "first end-of-the-year program" obvoius! David and I grinned at each other a lot, tried to get Collin's attention as he was walking on stage, stood up a little bit too much to where we probably got in the way of the people behind us, and I was even the dorky parent that gets in the aisle to take pictures.
My sister, on the other hand, was enjoying her last preschool program. Lexi is headed off to kindergarten next year, and they were anxious to wrap things up. When Lexi finished, Chris looked at Karen and gave the invisible "check" in the air. He turned to me and said, "wrap that one up." Hilarious. What a difference 7 years of preschool makes!
One thing I was really impressed with was how much scripture these kids memorized for their program. I love hearing Collin quote a verse from the Psalms and it reminds me that I need to be in prayer about teaching him and being in the word more myself! Collin's verse to memorize was, "Let the light of your face shine upon us, oh Lord." Psalm 8:6. I should video him saying it and post that...who knew the word "Lord" was actually three syllables.
The last picture is of both of the kids right after waking up from a nap. They wanted to sit next to each other and wake up slowly-precious!
Sarah Kate is growing so fast. She is pulling up and loves to have us "chase" her as she's crawling across the floor at rocket speeds. My next post is going to be solely about her because she is such a character.