My sweet friend Sarah reminded me that I really have NO excuse to not be blogging...especially now. Since I am now starting my 6th straight week of bedrest, I thought that this would be a great distraction! That's exactly how we're going to look at this blog... a distraction for me. I was telling Sarah that I feel this enormous pressure to be clever, entertaining, or at least worth a read. For the record, I'm not promising anything! Here are just a few things that are going on with the Blackstocks:
1) Collin is going to be two years old in a couple of weeks which absolutely blows my mind. He moved to a big boy bed last month so that we could make room for his "Sarah Kate baby sister" as he likes to call her. He is doing really well. In fact, he would love to show any of you his new room and tell you how big and strong he is!!
As has been the case his whole life, the child is quite a talker. Just the other day he got his toy taken away because he chunked it at the table (probably an innocent consequence of his daddy doing batting practice with him in the living room on a regular basis). After his crying fit subsided, he looked at me and said, "I not do it again." I said, "Collin that's very sweet. I'm glad you are not going to throw your ball at the furniture anymore. Good boy." He follows, "Can I have my ball back now?"...good negotiator.
He has been such a trooper, also. Granted, he is constantly being entertained by friends and family, but he has also been infinitely patient with the fact that I'm confined to the bed/couch. He cries every once in a while about me not being able to do something for him, but all in all, he has been great. I am so proud of my precious boy!
2) David is wrapping up (yes, still wrapping up) our little remodeling project. He is so talented! We just have a few little details to finish before we can officially put this one in the books, and then get to the business of raising two kiddos...yikes! I'll post some pictures of our finished rooms once they're photo-ready!
Other than that, David is playing the role of super-dad like a champ! Collin has always loved his daddy, but one wonderful thing about our situation right now is watching the two of them become even closer. David and I were saying the other night that it is a true blessing to come to realize that your kids are also your favorite people. Collin and David are so much alike, and truly enjoy so many of the same things- ice cream, sports, being outside, and Dora- David LOVES Dora. I love you, sweetheart! I truly don't know how we would be doing this without you! (Does that make up for the fact that you didn't get a Father's Day card?)
3) Me, I'm up to a whole bunch of nothin'! My blood pressure is, in general, staying down- with random spikes every now and then. I have figured out what I can and cannot handle (for the most part) so hopefully Sarah Kate and I will stay healthy until her due date. She has already had steroids for her lungs, and she always looks great on the monitors and on her sonograms so we're just waiting anxiously to meet her! I'll be 34 weeks tomorrow, so please continue to pray for all of us!
Other than the medical side of things, I will give my family and friends complete credit for my being able to stay sane! On an average day, I would say that my mom is a gift. Lately, she is an absolute angel! David and I both depend on her so much, and she has truly delivered! I have never met anyone with such a servant heart, and I only wish I could be like her. The only criticism I ever have heard of my mother is that she's too nice...I sure wish that was my biggest problem! Angie and Karen (my sisters) have also been amazing. They call, bring me groceries, love on my son, and come for visits often. What a blessing to have family close by. David's family has been a great help, too! And my friends are amazing! I love you all and thank you for all of the food, company, and fun distractions... Specifically, thanks to Alyssa for introducing me to The Office- where have I been...seriously? I've never found so much joy in falling off the couch. And Sam, you're amazing for keeping up with me when you have SO much going on in your world. I love you and you are really on my mind today. I'm sending up prayers for you and your sweet family today, and thankful that you remind me that we cannot limit God! You're awesome!
Below are some pictures of our trip to San Diego that we took before the bedrest sentencing. I am so glad that we got to take this trip!! Collin was hysterical!

Collin's first trip to the beach! He didn't care at all that the water was freezing!

Collin and Daddy on a hike! (He always has the hat on, by the way. And he turns it "bakards" all by himself!)

Laughing at the seagulls...

Yea!!!! Thanks for blogging! I am so glad to be able to keep up with you this way... not that you're very hard to keep up with, lying flat and all... ;)
Keep your spirits up and keep Sarah Kate growing! Only a few more weeks- you can do it!!!!!!
I'm so stinkin' excited that you got put on bed rest, if for no other reason than forcing you to enter blog world!!!! WOO HOOO for Blackstock Life!
We think and pray for you constantly and are so glad to hear that the rest is doing the job so far. Sweet Sarah Kate---she is going to be well worth these weeks in bed. And, Collin could not be any cuter as the big, strong brother. :)
Love you four! And, thank you for finally starting a BLOG!!
I'm so excited you are blogging...I don't, but I love reading everyone elses. I find my lunch break turns into "What's happening in my Friends world today!"
I know your bed rest is miserable but it sounds like it has become an incredible bonding time for everyone! We will keep you in our prayers.
Take care and keep us posted...ha ha!!
Yeah! Welcome to the world of mindless updates. I think this is a great use of your sentencing as you called it.So, I'll expect a post just about on the hour.
Tell ole Sarah Kate that we are anxiously awaiting her arrival!
Love you,
Well it's about time!! I am so glad you have joined the blogging world! And thanks Sarah for giving you the hard time you needed to get started!!
Love you!
Yea! Welcome to Blogland, my friend! I love the pictures of Collin in San Diego, and I am so proud to have introduced you to The Office. We can laugh you, girl!
Yeah!!! Glad to hear my nudging put you over the edge. I have no doubt you will be clever and funny... because that's just who you are! I never get to see you enough anymore, so I'm glad we can stay in touch in the the blog world. I really enjoyed our visit on Monday! I'm glad the bedrest is working. I know it won't be long till your sweet girl is here. I can't wait to meet her!
~By the way, I mentioned on my blog that you had just started a blog. Hope you don't mind!
couldn't be MORE excited to finally read a blackstock blog! hang in there!!!
I'm so sorry to hear that you're on bedrest. I hope the time flies by. Collin is a really cute little guy and I'm sure he loves getting so many visits from your family.
I'm glad you're blogging now!
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