Two years ago on Collin's birthday I was in the antepartum unit of Medical City- lights off; no TV; no visitors; David and I sitting there staring at each other waiting patiently for the following day when we'd finally meet our little girl. I was sad to miss Collin's birthday that year, but more than anything, I was ready to finally deliver Sarah Kate. At the time I didn't care that their birthdays would be on consecutive days. In fact, I thought it'd be kind of cool.
All kidding aside, it was a wonderful weekend full of fun and family! We are so thrilled to celebrate the gift of our two children and to be able to do it all together really is kind of fun.
Here's what we were up to on this weekend of celebrations for the Blackstock kiddos....
The fun started with a Batman party for Collin! We had David's family, my parents, and Henry and Jackson and their families there with us. How these kids get into superheros is kind a mystery to all of us, but Henry is Spiderman, Collin is Batman, and Jackson (probably upon strong suggestion) has assumed the role of Superman. Angie found some precious underoos for all of them in their assigned characters, which they wore proudly to their FIRST slumber party!!Having extra cousins spend the night has become a standard event since moving in with my parents this summer. Collin loves it, and just thought that it would be a great idea to have Henry and Jackson stay over for his birthday....why not, you're four and all. Definitely old enough for that! :)
In uniform Underoos. A classic.
The last homemade ice cream cake he'll ever get...
After church on Sunday, and a brief time of re-grouping, we celebrated SK's birthday with an alphabet party! She was really slow to start talking, but for some reason, she LOVES letters. We thought this would be a fun way to combine some of her favorite things and make it a special day for her. Every letter was represented by an activity or party item. Here are a few of my favorites..
A is for alphabet
(For those of you ACU Education grads, dont' tell Lucy Hatch about this banner. I did not trace before I cut, and I left the middles in my letters. I'm not a teacher anymore...I'm a busy mom. Don't judge me.)
M is for make-upB is for bubbles
W is for watergun
E is for eat
H is for hula hoop
...and hilarious
C is for cake
I is for ice cream
K is for kickball S is for splash
X is for xylophone (what else would you do for this one?)
F is for fishing
And my personal favorite...T is for TWO!
Thanks Mom and Dad, for letting us bring this craziness to your house! We had a blast!
I bet Lucy would be SO proud!!! It looks like ya'll had a blast...can't believe your kiddos are 2 & 4!!! Miss ya!
those were some awesome fun parties :) Thanks for inviting us to celebrate with you! jackson had a blast...didn't miss me not even for one second...kinda makes me sad - they are growing too fast!
I love the birthday recap! It looks like a wonderful time for everyone. The alphabet was definitely a hit. You are so crafty, girlfriend. I'm going to hire you to do our kids parties! Happy Birthday guys!
So cute!!!! Did you make Sarah Kate's cake? Very cute.
Those are some pretty tough superheros!
Looks like a fun weekend. Sorry we missed it!
We loved celebrating with Collin and Sarah Kate! It was the best birthday party ever, according to Henry!
What fun parties! Love the the alphabet party! You are such a fun mom! It seems like only yesterday I was giving little SK a Jungle Jaunt onesie.. your kids are growing too fast :)
Lucy would be cool with those letters. She only blew gaskets if you bought letters from Abilene Educational Supply...heresy.
The SuperTeam is too cute! I love that Jackson's alter-ego was chosen under "strong suggestion."
I love all the party pics! Happy Birthday Kids!
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