Our sweet friends, the Colemans, hosted a Halloween party for the kiddos from our church cell groups. I love to see them in their costumes! All of the girls were bugs, princesses, or cheerleaders, and the boys...well, let's just say that some props (a ninja sword) had to be hidden to prevent a riot. They were mostly "fighting" characters, with an occassional sweet costume like a farmer thrown in there. Notice one of my favorites, Beckham the rocker.
It seemed like most of the kids LOVED the thought of dressing up but didn't like for anyone to look at them when they have their costumes on. Kind of makes it hard to get a good picture, which explains some of the shots below. Thanks Leslie- enjoy the pics!
Little Kerrington as the monkey.
...and her brother Beckham- he's so hard core.
Zoe as a sweet pink butterfly
and the sweetest Ninja I've ever seen...Jackson.
The most outgoing farmer you'll ever meet- Cody.
Harper in her first Halloween costume and her sweet mommy, Erika
Aubrey was not impressed with me, or her costume.
The Hudsons. Kristen and Robbie win "funniest costume" hands-down making their dress-up debut as "A Pair of Blue Jeans." Notice the nametags.
Precious Kaelyn was wearing the same costume that Collin and Henry wore their first Halloween. Were they really ever that small??
Kamryn trying to figure out how to climb the rock wall with this princess get-up on.
Collin was content wearing his Batman costume which was a birthday present from July. Score for me!

Storm Trooper (Drew) and Iron Man (Henry)
Two beautiful princesses: Hannah (left) and Kaylea (right)
It was a fun party! Thanks for taking all those pics!
Girl, Where are you? It's February.. time for an update! (Not that I'm not guiltly of going months and months without an update, but I miss you!!)
Love ya!
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