So, I'm compiling a list of things that even the most frugal of parents shouldn't try to reuse for their second baby. I've learned some of these the hard way.

1. Bathtub- as you can see from the pictures below, we've done this one. Yes, the bathtub is from Collin, and no, I probably wouldn't do it again. It had been in the attic (wrapped, but still) and when we took it down we gave it a good anti-bacterial cleansing. Yet I couldn't get the thought that Collin had, in fact, left an offering in that very bathtub out of my mind. All the wrapping, retreiving, scrubbing, and sanitizing probably wasn't worth the $20 to get a new one.
2. Nicknames- I really don't think this is just because my kids are different genders. Even the unisex endearments that I had for Collin just don't seem to work with her. She's definitely her own little person (or princess, sweetie, SK, skittle, etc.).
3. Diaper Genie- for all of the reasons that you don't keep a bathtub...and then some.
4. Bottles/Pacifiers- chances are, your second one isn't going to like the same kind just because you went to the trouble of saving them, santizing them yaddah, yaddah.
Onto the pictures. As you can see from all of her pics below, SK is very mellow! She doesn't really ever cry unless she's hungry, or her tummy hurts, which is unfortunatley more than I would like. But even at those times, she is so even-tempered (totally gets that from me...haha) and generally easy going. What a relief!
The picture of Collin is from his first sno-cone! We got him a grape one- questionable decision- but he loved it!
The picture of Collin is from his first sno-cone! We got him a grape one- questionable decision- but he loved it!

She is such a sweetie! I love what a snuggler she is. :)
Sno-cones are so great! I am glad that Collin enjoyed his. Good thinking on the blue shirt too! (it matches purple so well!)
yuck-good to know about the tub and diaper genie. ooooh-i am so with you on that and i don't have any kids-i will add that to the "don't inherit from family list".
as for the snowcone-YUM! i have been really wanting one of those since we are officially at 100 degree days!
SK is BEAUTIFUL! we love her!
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