Sarah Kate really enjoying the limelight!
"Hold on...I really need to take this."
"Thanks Mom!"
...And After!
This party is so lame!
And for the grand finale...a caption contest! A grand prize (leftover cake) will go to the blogger to find the perfect caption for the following well-timed photo by Uncle Drayton:
Here's what I have so far:
1) "Who in the world hid in my dress, increasing its volume by 400%, thus making me look 97 weeks pregnant?" (I REALLY can't get past this one)
2) "Um, Dad...a little help?"
3) "At least he's using a spoon."
4) "Could I get another spoon?"
5) "Those Blackstocks sure can tear up a buffet!"
Special thanks to Pops and Drayton for all the wonderful pictures! You're the best!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Birthday Pictures
Posted by Laura at 6:25 PM 4 comments
Monday, July 21, 2008
We saw this in church this weekend and thought it was precious. Enjoy!
Posted by Laura at 9:42 PM 1 comments
Birthday Hangover!
Take yourselves back 7 months to the day after Christmas. Do you remember feeling a little gluttonous, sluggish, overwhelmed by clean-up, and actually ready to take down the tree? I've got that feeling. I've had too much cake, my kids have gotten too many gifts (although we're totally appreciative of all our sweet friends and family!) and it's not over yet. Collin had his little birthday party on his real birthday with his grandparents and a few cousins. His big birthday is yet to come. SK is done though, which is probably best. I had the thought as I was making her sit still in her cool chair (thanks Kay Kay) to open gifts that this was way too overwhelming for a one-year-old. She survived though- smothered herself in cake and went to bed completely happy.
Pictures to come...I'm too hungover to post them now!
Funny Collin comment on the way to church:
Collin: Hey Mom and Dad, do you want to talk? Cuz I'm not sleepin'!
Those are pretty much his only two options...sleeping or talking.
Posted by Laura at 9:25 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 14, 2008
It's Christmas in July around our house! My kids each have a birthday this week- Collin on Friday and SK on Saturday. I remember this time last year I was in my hospital bed worrying (because I was limited as to what I could do) about my kids having birthdays so close together. At that point I had no idea that they would only be one day apart. This year, I think I'm actually going to enjoy it. Sure, it's a little expensive. And while they're still wanting to have parties it's a little hectic. But all in all, it's kind of cool- at least that's the best way to look at it. So to my precious one-year-old and three-year-old, here is my first attempt at listing the reasons it's so cool to have birthdays so close together:
1) Collin will never forget Sarah Kate's birthday. At least I hope not...really.
2) Since your birthdays are in the summer, we'll take cool vacations to celebrate!
3) Lots of cake and ice cream over a 48-hour time span.
4) Mom only goes through the "I can't believe my kids are another year older" depression once a year.
5) At least your birthdays aren't this close AND in December... we're spreading things out.
6) You're almost as cool as twins.
Lots of fun to come!
On a more serious note,we are so blessed to have both of these babies in our lives! It amazes me that Sarah Kate is almost one. She is such a joy and it is so fun to watch her grow into her own distinct personality! She is active, yet quiet and cuddly. She loves to play hard with the rest of us, but also likes to put her baby on her shoulder and pat her on the back. She talks herself to sleep and wakes up laughing. Her daddy will give her anything and everything she wants, maybe because of her precious simple and big brown eyes. Her hair is starting to curl like crazy in the back like mine did when I was little, and she has her daddy's dimple on her right cheek! Knowing that there is only more fun to come makes me so excited to watch her grow!
And Collin is our constant entertainment. I seriously timed him today and he didn't stop talking from the minute he woke up at 7:30 this morning until swim lessons started at 10. He is curious, vivacious, and sweet. He has a sense of humor already, which thrills me to no end, and already is one of my favorite people to be around. He is all boy! His favorite thing right now is playing baseball in the living room (smart, I know) with David while watching it on TV. Decked out in all the appropriate gear, I can assure you. If he's not spending time with his cousins, he's asking about them for sure. He's extremely social and talkative. He's also a bit of an instigator, which I like to frame as "leadership potential." Spoken like a true mom! I'm definitely head over heels in love with this little boy and I can't wait to see how he grows in his fourth year.
Above all, I pray that the Lord holds on to these two little ones and helps us to raise them to know and love Him. The responsibility of being their parent is awesome, but the reward is greater than we ever expected! We sure do love you, Collin and Sarah Kate.
Posted by Laura at 12:30 PM 6 comments
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Happy 4th of July
We're enjoying an awesome 4th of July weekend at the Blackstock house! I'm a huge fan of the 4th being on a Friday-makes for a wonderful weekend! We started off on Thursday with Sarah Kate's tube surgery, which isn't all that fun for her I don't guess (although you can't tell in this picture) but it did give us a lot of one-on-one time with her. And she was back to her crazy self by lunchtime!
We spent the day yesterday at my parents' house with most of my family plus Mom's adopted kids, Ken and Shanta. We actually had a moment of nirvana when all the kids were sleeping at the same time and the adults were hanging out by the pool...greatness. We almost didn't know what to do with ourselves. Then came the real fun-Can you blame a girl for wanting to be cool like her uncle?

The picture that I didn't get was of all of the kids watching fireworks while sitting in Haleigh's convertible. It was hilarious and such a great memory for all of them. Happy 4th everyone!
Posted by Laura at 1:26 PM 4 comments