Today, my sweet baby boy turns two! I CANNOT believe that two years have gone by already. It's one of those things that everyone talks about, but that you can't get a grasp on until you become a parent. Unfortunately/fortunately for Collin, he has no idea that today is his birthday. I'm being selfish. Since David and I can't spend the day with him like we want to, we're going to ignore it, and celebrate when I come home from the hospital. My doctor has said that he can't even come up here today anyway, and he and David are at the doctor's office right now because he has an ear infection. All that to say, it wouldn't be a really fun day for him anyway.

Tomorrow, my sweet baby girl will make her debut! We are so thrilled, but continue to ask for prayers since she will be a little bit early. Every sonogram and test that we've had done indicate that she is happy, healthy, and somewhat of a spaz (I thought I was due for a calm one!). I started "getting sicker" yesterday and the doctor made the call to go ahead an induce me ASAP. There were no slots for an induction today, so we're going to have her tomorrow. We're actually really thankful that today was booked since it is Collin's birthday and since he's feeling so bad. God takes such good care of us!
To my kids (how weird to say that)! Your mom and dad have thought about and prayed for you both so much over the past nine weeks. Collin, you are such an amazing little boy for being able to give up your mommy so that I can take care of your sister. You will sleep anywhere, play with anyone, and you have never refused to hug and kiss me, or talk to me on the phone. You are such a good boy! And Sarah Kate, I can't wait to see you! Although, just like with Collin, I feel like I already know you. I've gotten to see your chubby little face so many times on sonograms, and I get to feel you squirm and kick your brother off of my tummy! What you don't know is how many people love you and have been praying for you. You are being born into a family that will always love you and Collin, no matter what! You are already a precious gift to our entire family, and we are anxious to hold you and introduce you to the world.
It also occurred to me this past Sunday that your dad and I have thought so much about your physical birthdays (when SK would finally come, what kind of cake Collin would want, etc.) but that we long even more for the day your are born into Christ. More than anything, Daddy and I want you to know Him as your savior and to live fully in His grace and promises. We pray that you will always seek Him, and that He will reveal the call that He has put on your lives. We love you both, and Happy Birthday!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY COLIN!!! Man, it seems like yesterday that we were waiting on him to come into the world!! He has been such a huge blessing in the last 2 years. I think the whole "celebrate when we get home" for Colin's birthday is BRILLIANT. Seriously. When else will you have that option in his life? He will much more enjoy whatever festivities are to come.
Great idea.
AND hello, HAPPY ALMOST BIRTHDAY to SK!!! I think it's pretty cool to have birthdays back to back like that. Very efficient, Blackstocks. My cousins had the same birthday and we had a big o' blow out party every year that was the best. What fun.
Laura, I am so thrilled to hear that you are going to have this sweet baby tomorrow. She IS loved, and we are all anxious to see her. You have been so patient. Good job, mom. I hope someone, ahem, David, Chris, Anshie? will be on blog duty so we can hear the good news and see pictures asap.
Blessings to you guys!
Love, Shanta and Ken
That's so exciting that you're having Sarah Kate tomorrow! You will definitely be in my prayers. I'll be anxiously awaiting the stats and pictures of your newest addition. Happy Birthday to Colin! What an exciting week for your family!
I'm so glad that you posted on my blog because I didn't realize you had become a blogger! It was fun to read old posts and catch up on your family's life. I will be praying for you tomorrow with the delivery and look forward to seeing pictures of Sarah Kate (love that name!)
P.S. Loved the story about the swelling. People are amazing!
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