Sarah Kate is doing awesome! And I guess I'm hanging in there...just a little tired of being a patient, and anxious to get back to being a mom! My doctor says we'll have a baby next week, but the perinatologist isn't wanting to rush things so we'll see. For now, we're just hanging in there and waiting! I was reminded today after the neonatologist visited me that I need to refocus and commit myself to staying pregnant just a little while longer. As uncomfortable as I might be (we added inflatable boots on my legs last night...NICE) she would be much more uncomfortable sitting in the NICU. I look and Collin and am reminded of how wonderful how it is to be a parent, and how much this little girl needs me. So, I'm trying to enjoy my last few days of pregnancy and prepare myself for what is to come. I'm encouraged to know how much our God has prepared and planned for her too, that every day of her life was written in His book and that she is precious and purposed!
One of my few moments with my baby boy. He's turning two next week- and we're wondering if he won't be sharing a birthday with his little sister!

Strange thing - you have been on my mind idea exactly why, except I was thinking about college and the friends I love, but don't keep up with so much anymore. I check Sarah's blog every once in a while and noticed today that you're now a blogger! I am so glad because I had no idea what was going on with your family. I will keep you & Sarah Kate in my prayers! It is so good to see a little glimpse of your ya!
I know this is a little bit weird, but it was SO good to see pictures of you! I've missed you so much!!! And, I'm so bummed that I missed the no-visitor rule by one day! Darn it. :) But, I'll be the first one in line to visit AFTER Sarah Kate arrives healthy and happy. I love your post about God's plan for her. You are so right about that. You are such a good mommy to continue this journey with that perspective. We continue to pray....thanks for continuing to update. :)
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